Parents, tаkе note. Aѕ Uber continues tо extend thеіr tentacles іntо mоrе categories оf..
Tag Archives: tech
NASA has long battled the federal government over its budget. While it only receives..
Could this be your future home? This may not be breaking news to everyone,..
Fans booked 30-minute rides in a fleet of Britney-branded SUVs to hear singer’s new..
JJ Abrams’s rotundly adorable new BB-8 droids are all set to steal the spotlight in..
Trying to capture the racing heritage of an automobile maker, and embedding it into a..
Getaround is a really fantastic app that I’m not ready for. The concept of..
The taxi-hailing app touts old-school cab hailing with new-school cashless payment. Flywheel, the app..
Tesla is calling the rechargeable lithium-ion battery the “Powerwall.” As the name suggests, the..
Uber’s already got a taxi and a courier business, so it makes perfect sense..
The taxi app and Uber rival rebrands, and will also let you order a..