
Volvo’s Self-Driving Car Drives into Pedestrians

wingz updated

We know that self driving cars are designed not to hit people or get into accidents so why did this one? 

What we hear more often than not is that self-driving cars are safer, and they are aren’t they? In all recorded events there have been little to no accidents with the car at fault so why did Volvo’s self parking XC60 run into a couple of journalists during an event in the Dominican Republic?

Johan Larsson, Volvo’s spokes-person believes it may have been a neglected feature. The pedestrian detecting package– yes package– is an “add-on”.

Once again the claim is that the blame should be aimed at human error. Larsson’s comment means Volvo simply decided not to install the package and boy was it a mistake. In the thrill of Volvo’s shining new machine, these journalists got a flash of ” the rise of the machines”.

Perhaps this feature shouldn’t have beenan an “add-on” considering avoiding pedestrians for a human driver definitely isn’t a feature, but more importantly we hope Volvo has learned from this error. Selling the XC60 may prove to be more difficult now for Volvo than they would like it to be.

Source: The Independent