MAF problem

MAF sensors and three signs they might be faulty

Whenever driving begins to feel like riding a camel or jerks like an epileptic, or suddenly develops specific problems with ignition or speed, your mass airflow sensor could just be bad and should be looked at. 

The job of a MAF system is simply to gauge the amount of air moving into the ECU, where it helps calculate how much fuel can be injected. However, miscalculations resulting from a faulty MAF sensor could directly impact your car’s optimal functions.

What does a MAF sensor do?

The MAF sensor, situated between the vehicle’s intake system and air filter, helps maintain proper proportions between air and fuel in a vehicle engine. It does this by calculating the amount of air flooding the engine chamber, therefore, allowing the engine control unit (ECU) to correctly decide how much fuel it should provide for the car’s optimal performance.

Signs your MAF sensor is faulty

A number of factors could cause your MAF sensor to stop working or to get compromised. A problem could result from a mistake in installation. An improperly installed sensor could damage it in the long run or, worse, affect its ability to transmit valid information. Additionally, contaminations to the sensor could cause it to malfunction leading to a variety of car troubles that could mean you have to visit your local car mechanics liechardt. Some of these symptoms could watch out for include:

Check engine indicator comes on

A check engine indicator could mean that your MFA sensor is compromised. To be sure what the trouble is, you could use a scanner. If your scanner reads a P0101 code, it means your MFA is faulty and should be checked out.

Your car runs too rich or too lean

Regular jolts while driving your car could be due to insufficient or excess air in the fuel chamber; this could be caused by dirt around and within the MFA sensor. Additionally, insufficient air could result in excess fuel in the engine causing your car to run too rich. You might even observe thick smoke discharges or perceive fuel inside or around your car, signifying an excess of unburnt fuel. 

On the other hand, excess air in the engine, which could result in a significant reduction in the amount of fuel that gets into the engine, causes the car to run lean. In this situation, you might observe engine seizures or find it difficult to move your car.

Driving problems

Issues like stalling or dangerous jerking during acceleration could result from a damaged or contaminated MFA sensor. These indications could be very risky for you and should be looked at as soon as possible.


Driving is both comfortable and practical. If you begin to observe unpleasant sensations or reactions from your car, it is important to see the technician as fast as possible. A compromised MAF sensor allows you to drive your vehicle for some time; this could lead to more problems than you can handle financially. Please visit a mechanic to fix that “epileptic” car.