The Expectation of a Retro-Evolution via Apple Watch

Apple WatchCould it be? Could it be the twilight for neck injured and LED obsessed users everywhere? This is what Kevin Lynch suspects the approaching Apple Watch may achieve; to bring humanity back from virtuality, social media and technology. The day before the first iPhone was released people made eye contact. The day it came out the world never had a chance to look back up. This is the first major device to come out since Steve Jobs death, and it could be a game changer.

Although, this is coming from the mouth of former Chief technology officer at Adobe. Lynch was hired in the tidal wave of pressure by Apple to be Vice President of technology – and this was after he made some denigrating remarks towards the iPhones impracticalities concerning Flash. They didn’t hire him for his PR skills, so maybe Lynch is really speaking some truth about the product.

In an interview with esteemed Wired, esteemed Lynch takes the interviewer, David Pierce, through the seesaw existence of the watch and its revolutionary user interface. “The interface would determine whether the Watch ended up displayed in a dozen museums or remembered as Apples biggest flop since the Newton,” writes the writer.

There is extreme merit in taking responsibility for the creation of the problem of the iPhone invasion. Whether or not it is just a glorified watch with a “neato” Velcro strap (and admittedly sleek digital designs) the anticipation will continue to rise and raise heads for a way out of the old new tech craze, and usher in the new new.