
What are the “No-Zones” of Trucks?

Commercial trucks play an important role in our transportation system as they are responsible for delivering goods from state to state. However, their dominance and size as compared to other vehicles on the road present several challenges, one of which concerns visibility. Large commercial trucks are notorious for having larger-than-average blind spots, often regarded as the “no-zone.” These zones, which essentially stretch the whole perimeter of the truck, are areas in which a truck driver either has no or very limited visibility of other vehicles on the road. Furthermore, let’s explore what these no-zones are and what to do if you are involved in a “no-zone” accident.

Front “No-Zone”

The first part of the “no-zone” is in the front of a truck. Since trucks are much higher off the ground than other vehicles, this can make it difficult for truck drivers to see other drivers who are driving in front of them, particularly if they are very close. To avoid ending up in a truck’s front “no-zone” make sure that you stay at least 20 feet in front of a truck. This is particularly important if you are departing lanes and moving to the lane where the truck is.

Right “No-Zone”

The next “no-zone” that you should be aware of is on the right-hand side of a truck. This zone is often regarded as the most dangerous “no-zone” as it is the area in which truck drivers have the least amount of visibility. The right “no-zone” extends from the front right-hand side of the truck to the back and two to three lanes over. It is important to be particularly cautious anytime you are driving in this area and stay as far away as you can.

Left “No-Zone”

Another “no-zone” is found on the left-hand side of the truck. Compared to the right “no-zone,” the left “no-zone” is smaller. This is because the driver is seated on the left-hand side and therefore has greater oversight of vehicles on this side. Regardless, it is still important to avoid driving on the left-hand side of large trucks and remember that if you cannot see the truck driver’s face in the side mirrors, then it is highly unlikely that they will be able to see you either. 

Rear “No-Zone”

The last “no-zone” of a truck is found behind the truck. This blind spot, also known as the rear “no-zone,” is also incredibly dangerous to be in. Large trucks do not have a rearview mirror, meaning that they can only rely upon the sliver of the rear that they can see in their side mirrors. Furthermore, truck drivers generally have very little sense as to whether any cars may be trailing behind them. If you must drive behind a truck, be sure to keep at least 30 feet between you and the truck.

What To Do if You are in a “No-Zone” Accident

In the unfortunate event that you wind up in an accident caused by riding in a truck’s “no-zone,” it is crucial that you know the necessary steps to take. First, seek medical attention if you or anyone involved is injured. Your health and safety should be your number one priority. Then, if you are able, take pictures of the accident scene and gather the contact information of any parties involved, as well as any witnesses. Then, contact a Kent truck accident attorney who can help protect your rights and ensure that you recover maximum compensation for the injuries you sustained. Liability can become confusing and convoluted in these types of truck accidents, thus making the legal expertise of an attorney vital.