
Google Now Adds Gas Stations On Your Route Cards

Imagine that you’re driving home from the office after a long and hard work day. As you’re driving along you realize that the car needs to be filled up with gas. A quick search will tell you which gas stations are nearby but it won’t exactly point out which of those gas stations are on the route you’re following home. Google Now has fixed this problem. It will now display a card that will show users “Gas Stations On Your Route.”

Several users have noticed that Google Now is showing a “gas stations on your route” card that highlights fill-ups based on the direction you’re driving. The feature isn’t all that practical when you’re the one behind the wheel, but it could help your passengers point out those much-needed pit stops well before your tank runs empty. Being able to find a gas station when you are on the rode can be stressful, but with Google Now hopefully things will get a bit better.

Source: Engadget