
5 Great Reasons to Plan an Adventure Holiday for Your Family

An adventure holiday is a brilliant way to spend quality time together as a family and create lifelong memories. Instead of lying on a beach all day, you can try new activities and keep the kids busy from dawn until dusk. Here are 5 great reasons why you should start planning an active, adventurous trip for your next family getaway.

Explore the Great Outdoors

The UK has an abundance of stunning natural landscapes just waiting to be explored. From winding coastal paths with dramatic cliff views to thick forests and rolling green hills, an adventure holiday allows you to properly experience the beauty of the great outdoors. Pitch a tent under the stars, paddle a canoe across a glistening lake, hike through mountain trails – immerse yourselves in nature and enjoy the simplicity of living off the land for a while. It’s a welcome change from the noise and crowds of the city. Or you could venture further afield into Europe or beyond.

Learn New Skills

On an active, adventure-focused family holiday, you’ll pick up exciting new skills together. Maybe you’ll learn to read maps, build campfires, climb rock faces or paddle a kayak. Not only is it thrilling to gain these practical skills, but it also builds confidence and brings a great sense of satisfaction. Even simple things like putting up a tent or using a compass can become cherished family memories when learned on holiday.

Bond as a Family

Shared experiences bring people closer together. The challenges and thrills of an adventure holiday lend themselves perfectly to strengthening family bonds. You’ll encourage and motivate each other during physically demanding activities, share the wonder of discovery on a coastal walk, work together to navigate through forests, and sit around the campfire at night exchanging stories and laughter. Don’t underestimate the power of adventures to create tighter family relationships.

Escape from Technology

It’s all too easy to spend family time together but with heads bent over smartphones and tablets. An active holiday is the perfect opportunity to escape the lure of technology and enjoy simple pleasures together. With fewer distractions, you can focus on conversations, appreciate nature, play games, tell stories around the fire – reconnect away from all those beeping and buzzing devices!

Make Lasting Memories

From spectacular landscapes to thrilling activities and overcoming challenges together, an adventure holiday is guaranteed to create special lifelong memories for the whole family. Those shared experiences will be treasured; the photos, full of beaming smiles with stunning backdrops; the sense of achievement, immense. Adventure holidays deliver bucketloads of magical moments – those golden memories that families will hold dear and talk about for years to come.

If your kids enjoy an adventure holiday, why not send them to a summer camp? Summer adventure camps allow kids to experience adventures beyond the family holiday. With specialised programmes and qualified instructors, camps offer opportunities to try exciting new activities like watersports, rock climbing and horseback riding. Immersive experiences like overnight wilderness hikes and river rafting foster independence and resilience. 

With non-stop fun, learning new skills and making lasting memories, adventure holidays are ideal for more active families.