Cannabis Migraine

Will Using Cannabis for Migraines Work for You?

People with migraines deal with difficulties unique to their condition. Bright lights, sudden noises, and other apparently harmless stimuli carry the risk of triggering a migraine. This condition manifests in a variety of ways:

  • Stress
  • Neck tension
  • Nausea
  • Loss of sensation
  • Visual changes
  • Crippling pain

Migraines are much more serious than headaches due to the severity of the symptoms. Treatment for migraines relies solely on conventional medicine that’s often ineffective or it might have too many side-effects. While people still use the medicine because they have no alternative available, it doesn’t mean they’re too happy about it. Now is the best time to take your share of the CBD market, be it with the products made from seawarp strains or any other part. The reason is that the sale of these products has been on the rise for the past few years. So, as an innovative business owner, you may want to become a retailer. This is a billion dollar industry. According to experts, the industry may grow more than 700% by the end of 2020. Therefore, the industry has a good deal of potential for startups as well. All you need to do is get started today. In the USA, the public is aware of the properties of this oil. The credit goes to the reports published in a lot of newspapers. The Hempire’s research studies have been conducted to find out the amazing benefits of this product. As a matter of fact, the product is useful for both humans and animals. Therefore, it’s better that you take advantage of the opportunity by starting your own business. You can find more info here about 1Team Cannabis. The CBD market offers a lot of opportunities whether you are a business owner, healthcare professional or a common user. The credit goes to the wholesale of CBD. Nowadays, you can sell ready-made CBD products to earn a lot of profit. In fact, this product is one of the fastest selling products in the here and now. Given below is what everyone should know about the business opportunities offered by CBD. CBD tincture is becoming one of the hottest new products on the market today. In fact, annual sales of CBD oil products in 2018 was nearly 600 million and is estimated to be growing at a rate exceeding 107 percent annually. Prior to 2017, CBD products were available only in head shops, natural food stores, and at a few doctor’s offices. Since that time, the market has exploded and CBD products are now available in natural food stores, national food stores, beauty salons, nail salons, convenience stores, and even gas stations. But, are these CBD products, usually made with a Rosin Press, manufactured from safe CBD oil? First of all, let’s examine what we mean by safe CBD oil. Some reports indicate that as much as 40% of the CBD products on the market tested positive for heavy metals like lead and arsenic, concentrated chemical pesticides, bacteria, fungi, toxic mold, THC, and numerous other dangerous impurities. Most people would agree that products containing these impurities would be considered to be unsafe. Most of these unsafe CBD oil products are grown and manufactured in China, Mexico, and numerous third world countries that do little or no oversight in the products they sell. One of the most common and dangerous impurities commonly found in tainted CBD products is chemical pesticides. These chemicals are used to kill insects and other organisms that can be harmful to the plant. According to the Toxics Action Center, “Pesticides have been linked to a wide range of human health hazards, ranging from short-term impacts such as headaches and nausea to more serious health problems like cancer, reproductive damage, and endocrine disruption.” It could be very dangerous to ingest any type of tainted CBD product if it is contaminated with pesticides.

Does cannabis relieve migraine symptoms?

A study published in 2019 analyzed the effects of cannabis on people suffering of constant migraines. Among the 1959 participants in the study, about 50% of them reported a significant reduction in migraine severity after they used cannabis. Apparently, smoking cannabis was less effective than consuming concentrates like CBD oil, but this could come down to personal preference.

To buy cannabis online or concentrates, you can visit an online cannabis dispensary like MMJDirect. That’s where you’ll find the best products on the market which are all-natural, all-organic, and extremely high-quality. Whether you suffer from constant migraines or head-splitting headaches, the right cannabis concentrate might help you live a normal life once again. However, it’s important to speak to a medical professional first to check that the cannabis or CBD can be taken alongside any existing medication that you might be using. Some medications cannot be taken alongside CBD, so it’s important that people check with a medical professional first, or they could read some of these tips from Pure Relief to see if any of their medications are on that list. It’s important to check that you can take CBD, so it might be worth contacting a doctor.

A scientific review that retrospectively analyzed cannabis results on headaches found an interesting thing – 88.3% out of 279 patients reported weaker headaches after consuming cannabis. Moreover, 38.3% discovered that they’d slept better since starting the treatment. If that wasn’t enough, about half of the participants who were using opioids for headaches and migraines reduced their opioid use after finding cannabis.

This means that cannabis might also treat addiction, which isn’t a new theory by any extent. In fact, there are a few studies out there that provide ample evidence on the anti-addiction benefits of cannabis. In most cases, they tested for opioid addiction with surprising results.

How does cannabis treat migraines?

It’s all connected to the endocannabinoid system which interacts with a variety of biological processes via receptors in the brain. The endocannabinoids within this system can change your mood, alter your stress reactions, reduce your depression systems, and change your emotional responses. Cannabis directly interacts with the endocannabinoid system and connects to the receptors in your brain responsible for those functions.

While THC can directly interact with these receptors, CBD does not. In terms of treating migraines, Dr. Jim Polston, the Chief Science Officer at Helius, says that “There is mounting evidence that the endocannabinoid system can directly reduce migraine pain when activated by naturally produced cannabinoids or medical cannabis taken by patients.”

Apparently, by reducing the release of pro-inflammatory substances and reducing the inflammation on the protective dura mater layer covering the brain, cannabis effectively reduces the frequency of migraines. Moreover, Dr. Polston shows that chronic migraine is caused by anandamide deficiency. Anandamide is a natural cannabinoid produced by the brain which acts on certain parts of the brain and influences other biological reactions (reactions to pain, for instance).

The THC in cannabis can perfectly substitute anandamide and perform the same functions. So, if you were to have anandamide deficiency, which automatically leads to inflammation in your brain (and migraines as well), consuming cannabis will solve your issue. It will replenish the anandamide reserves with fresh cannabinoids ready to do all the work. You will most likely feel your migraines drop in frequency in a short amount of time.

Where can you get cannabis from?

You can easily buy cannabis online from the various online cannabis dispensaries on the internet.

Especially if you suffer from migraines and persistent headaches, you might want to know where to buy cannabis from. You should find it to be helpful, considering other people have used it successfully to treat themselves of depression, anxiety, insomnia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, and more. In fact, by looking at anecdotic evidence, cannabis treats a wide variety of illness symptoms and disorders.